The progress of creating personalized Playing Cards
We were assigned to choose one of these topics to develop:
A). Design an exhibition that explores the last decade of art and design transformation through technology, highlighting the link between past and present. The exhibition content is tailored to your preferred creative industry area of expertise, and it is intended to be shown in public space. Make the design concept mobile, easy to set up, and provide an engaging and pleasant experience to the intended audience.
B). To commemorate the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic, share stories about your own experiences with the situation in print and screen medium. Write down your story in around 300-600 words, then visualize it using your preferred specialist skills and best practices from the design industries. Be honest and sensible when creating content, and express it in a way that feels natural to you.
Which I chose Option B, creating a design through print and screen medium which commemorates my journey through the pandemic.
Initially I was interested on creating some sort of film or story book. But then a friend suggested I created a card with stories.
She suggested the idea because I have mentioned in the past how during the pandemic I improved at playing a local card game called Capsa, similar to Poker.
The idea intrigued me, I did not wanted to create something that is too somber and melancholic. So I went with the idea, but I chose to make a full 52 playable card deck to stay true to Capsa.
I would like to give full credits to my friend Leta for suggesting the idea. If it wasn't for her, I would not have created this project.
research essay
We began the project with researching the historical and contemporary aspect of our creative practice. Mine involves logo design and packaging.
In the essay you will find a detailed explanation of logo design history and it's correlation with this project.
develop design solution
In the attached brief, you will find an explanation of the project's overall background, objective, and many more. To summarize it, I chose to create cards for it was an entertainment source which brought me joy and also brought me closer to my loved ones.
Digital medium: Picture Film/Animation
Print medium: Playing Cards
presented finished design
Here is a brief snippet of the proposal (please download the pdf to read the full proposal)
As you can see from the prototype, I chose to go with the first concept. A more fun and cartoon like design.
Here is some BMO wisdom: " When bad things happen, I know you want to believe they are a joke, but sometimes life is scary and dark. That is why we must find the light."
4s1x b4ng3dh!!!