Tracing Objects & Creating Playful Typography
Tracing objects using pen tool
Experimenting with typography
I used different fonts for each word. I mostly played around with the warping of each texts depending on what the words describe.
BRAVE : made the word italic and mirror the 'E' vertically. Then I copy pasted the final word and mirror it horizontally.
FEAR : warping using twist
LOUD : made the composition to be two rows, each row has 2 letters. Then warp using wave.
QUIET : manually transform to be pinched on the centre
NARROW : warped using arc
WIDE : created the words into 4 rows, repeating the word in reach row then warp using fish eye
JUMP : separate each letters of the word then adjust it to be in a messy order, each letter was warped with the wave effect
TALL : stretched the word the manually transform to have perspective